Look Who’s Back…

| February 23, 2013

Winter! A very intense and unusual storm rolled through the Wasatch today and delivered a much-needed blast of new snow.  In the Park City area, it started at about 9:00am, and by the end of the day I had snow-blown my driveway three times to clear it all off as the precipitation rates and wind were so high. Meanwhile, 15 miles away, they got almost nothing.


Tomorrow should have some good, but tricky narrow-band skiing.  The snow is deep enough that you need a steepish slope to even move in it, but if it gets too steep, I’d imagine the avalanche danger is going to be substantial.  We’ll see, but in any case, it was nice to see some new snow.


Help support StraightChuter.com and peer through the powder with a pair of Julbo Orbiter Goggles from Backcountry.com. Click on the photo below…


Category: current conditions, Wasatch Mountains

About the Author ()

Andrew McLean lives in Park City, Utah and is a gear designer, writer, photographer, ski mountaineer, climber, Mountain Unicycle rider and father of two very loud little girls.

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