current conditions

State of the Wasatch – Jan 11, 2015
In the comments from my last post I was called out as “an elitist blowhard,” so I’ll try to live up to that reputation by now kvetching about the Wasatch snowpack. It is okay… but we really need more snow, especially as this is going on the fourth sub par year in a row. We’ve been robbed. Even […]

Wasatch Backcountry Conditions – March 9
Although the Wasatch is still draggin’ ass on snow depth, skiing in the upper elevation backcountry areas has been pretty good. Last weekend we had a slight 2-4″ graupel refresher on top of a supportable crust, which made for some fun, fast powder skiing. I’ve seen a few photos of people getting after some of […]

Wasatch Backcountry Update – 10 Feb 2014
Be careful what you wish for – you just might get it. Two weeks ago we had such a rotten base layer that I was facetiously hoping for rain, which seldom happens in the Wasatch, until of course it started to rain at 9,000+ feet in February. This seemed grim, but then the temperatures dropped […]

Wasatch BC Report, Jan 13 – Wild Weekend
In 24 hours, the Wasatch went from some of the worst skiing of the season, to the best, and then back again. A much needed storm finally rolled in, but was accompanied by warming temps, howling winds and a touch of rain, which created a zipper crust all over. Polly described it as “skiing through […]

Wasatch BC Conditions 12/29
Wow. Do we need more snow. The past week, and the forecast for the upcoming week have been bone dry, which makes for some tough turning. All of the great little pockets have been hammered, and some of the more popular BC area are starting to get moguls. This isn’t so bad in itself, except […]
Wasatch BC Conditions – 12/22/2013
Executive Summary – Good and getting better. Starting yesterday, every run I took was “the best of the year” with each new one topping the last. We’ve finally started to get some base in the Wasatch, and in celebration, I took out my new skis (BD Carbon Aspect) and only got one little scratch on […]

Wasatch BC Conditions – 12/10/2013
Executive Summary – Pretty good for this time of year, but not great yet. B- at best. In terms of fishing, right now the central Wasatch is like catching endless 6″ trout. It’s fun in a pinky-dink kind of way where you make 6-12 great turns, then eat shit in rocks, logs and bushes. If […]

Wasatch BC Conditions – 11/23/2013
Executive Summary: A nice excuse for locals to wander around in the mountains, but hardly worth traveling out-of-state for. Yes, there have been quite a few photos of people bustin’ pow in the Wasatch, but that has more to do with the lens craft of good photographers than reality. It is still very rocky, shallow […]

Stocks, Rocks and Crocus Shock
Seeing the front-page news of stocks hitting a new high only reminded me of the miserable performance of my personal tracking index – the Wasatch Snow Depth Fund (NASDAQ – WDSUX) which is tracking towards a record low. As a measure of intense personal displeasure (IDP), the recent heat wave and lack of new snow […]
Look Who’s Back…
Winter! A very intense and unusual storm rolled through the Wasatch today and delivered a much-needed blast of new snow. In the Park City area, it started at about 9:00am, and by the end of the day I had snow-blown my driveway three times to clear it all off as the precipitation rates and wind […]
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