Tag: Svalbard

Svalbard/Arctic Circle Ski Cruise in May
Svalbard is to Europe as Alaska is to America – a land of snow, ice & rocks located off of the northwest corner of the continent. Also known as Spitsbergen, which roughly translates into “Land of Pointy Rocks” in Danish, it is an incredible place to ski and ride. At just below 80 degrees north, the […]

Svalbard 2016 Trip Report and Photo Album
Ice Axe Expeditions Arctic Circle Ski & Sail – Trip Report For more information on this trip, or similar skiing adventures in Antarctica, contact Ice Axe Expeditions out of Truckee, CA. www.iceaxe.tv Week One – May 15-22, 2016 May 15th – Set sail from LYR. Met with Stein/Helga and went over the general plan, which is to […]

Svalbard 2016 – Spaces Available
Through some sort of lucky harmonic convergence, I’m going to be joining Todd Offenbacher as an Ice Axe Expeditions guide on two trips up to Svalbard this May. This is a very cool and unusual place, not to mention that it also has excellent skiing, sailing adventures and wildlife, including Ursus Maritimus, or polar bears. […]

Pilot Bread Smackdown
The following video shows what happens in a cook tent when you are sitting around on a glacier in the Arctic Circle in a complete and total white out. Juvenile humor ensues.

Scooter Town
As a first time visitor to the town of Longyearbyen in Svalbard, it is hard not to be astounded at the number of “snoscooters” or snowmobiles sitting around. They are randomly parked by the side of the road, grouped in clusters of 2 or 3, amassed in lots of 50, left up on pallets, slowly […]

Back From the Ice Coast
I’m back from a month in the Arctic and it was a culture shock to go from down jackets and hats to shorts, sandals and t-shirts in 24 hours! Best of all, it actually gets dark here at night so you have some idea what time it is. ;)

Skiing 80 Degree Slopes
Eighty degrees north, not 80 degrees in steepness, although you never know… One of the most influential things I’ve ever read was a fortune cookie which said “Practice Saying Yes.” It wasn’t even my fortune, but I adopted the philosophy and it has served as a starting point for many, many expeditions. Trips take on […]
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