Tag: Patagonia

Baffin Island & Patagonia Kite Assisted Skiing Presentation
This Thursday, Feb 6th, I’m going to be giving a presentation up at Snowbird on kite assisted skiing in Baffin Island and Patagonia. The show starts at 6:00 and a $5 donation gets you raffle tickets for great prizes and helps support the Utah Avalanche Forecast Center. It takes place in the Wildflower Lounge (21 […]

Sunday Photo – Patagonia
Not a skiing photo, but taken in a great skiing zone. Ben Ditto hiking in Patagonia. I’m not into trekking for trekking’s sake, but the trails in Patagonia are an exception as they are so naturally beautiful, well laid-out and have stunning scenery. In this photo, Ben and I were taking a remedial hike up […]
Remembering Bean Bowers
Alas, Bean Bowers of Ridgeway, Colorado (and many other places as well) recently died of cancer. This was a double tragedy as; 1) Bean was only 38, and 2) he had survived so many outrageous incidents that cancer seemed an unlikely way for him to go. RIP Bean.
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