Tag: partners

Practice Saying Yes
The front of my refigerator is full of Fortune Cookie saying that have yet to come true. “You will enjoy financial success.” “You will spend your old age in comfort and material wealth.” Since these have yet to happen, they are still enjoyable if you append “in bed” to them, at least for a laugh. But, I […]

What Makes You a Good Partner – Part III
Continued from yesterday… Be Flexible Plans change and stuff happens. If you are goal oriented, you know you will not succeed unless you persevere, but at the same time, group desires and competence should be taken into account. Changing plans to accommodate conditions or abilities can be frustrating, but instead of forcing the issue when […]

What Makes You a Good Partner – Part II
(Continued from yesterday…) Be Yourself Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses that he or she brings to a team. Breaking your share of the trail is nice, but no more important than knowing first aid and avalanche safety, or keeping the trailbreaker from bonking with a well-timed cookie. It is not always possible to be […]

What Makes You a Good Partner – Part I
Being a good ski mountaineering partner is like any other successful partnership – you have to want it to work and make the effort. There are no set rules and it will be different each time you go out with a new partner or group. The ideal is to complement each other’s strengths, weaknesses and […]

What Makes a Good Partner – Part II
People have a variety of motives and agendas for ski mountaineering that should be taken into account. Making risky descents to impress someone or to shock themselves out of a broken relationship stupor usually leads to poor decisions. When in doubt, start out with some easier warm-up days. Throughout the day, ski mountaineers ask each other […]

What Makes a Good Partner – Part I
Great partnerships often occur between unlikely people or under unlikely circumstances. Ultimately, a solid partnership has more to do with being compatible and less to do with physical prowess. Skiing ability alone is not an indicator of a solid partner, as ski mountaineering requires such a wide array of knowledge that even a mediocre skier […]

Ski Mountaineering Partners – Intro
Superficially, ski mountaineering is an individual sport. You do not need a partner to make turns, enjoy deep powder and appreciate a mountain setting; yet having one transforms the experience into something even greater. Partnerships are at the core of the sport, and without them ski mountaineering would barely exist. Reto & Hombi from Switzerland. […]
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