Tag: OR Show

2015 Winter OR Show Review
While there was an overwhelming amount of new stuff in store for 2015/16 at the Outdoor Retailer Show, I have to admit to having a weakness for hard goods, especially those made out of exotic steels, sexy plastics and carbon fiber. I was not disappointed. Odds and Pointy Ends Black Diamond Snaggletooth Crampon Since most crampons are asymmetrical anyways, […]

2014 Winter OR Show Recap
Every time I start to think I’ve been to a lot of Outdoor Retailer tradeshows (40+?), I’m reminded of the veteran sales representatives in the outdoor industry who have not only hit every OR Show, but SIA, ISPO and numerous regional shows as well, which puts their count well into the hundreds, if not thousands […]

OR Show Overview
Another Outdoor Retailer Show has come and gone. At two per year (winter and summer), times 20 years (minus a few missed ones), this was about my 30th OR Show, and I still really enjoy them. More than anything, it is a great way to catch up with all sorts of people, meet new ones […]

OR Show Recap
The Fall 2011 OR Show has come and gone, and as usual, it was great fun. I probably did more skiing and less reviewing than I should have, but with so many fun people in town it was hard to say no. The skiing itself was a skiff of powder on top of bullet-proof ice, […]

S09 OR Show – The People
As usual, I started out thinking that I’d only go to a bit of the OR Show in nearby Salt Lake City and ended up going to almost all four days. The purpose of the OR Show is to give manufacturers (Mountain Hardwear, Black Diamond, etc.) a chance to show their latest gear to buyers […]
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