Tag: Alaska

Into the Lenticular…
Lenticular clouds are a source of awe and terror for mountaineers. Awe as they are so surreal looking that they have been mistaken for UFO’s and terror as they signify ripping summit winds. Courtney Phillips ponders his options as a lenticular cloud forms on the 12,800′ peak of Mt. Crossen. Patagonia is a contender for […]

Kahiltna Glacier 2009 Scrabble Tournament
I can’t play Hearts or Poker to save my life and have yet to make it through a single crossword or Soduko puzzle, but I do like playing Scrabble and Cribbage. For the sake of our marriage, I hardly ever get to play Scrabble as my main partner is my wife, Polly, who views it as a […]

Back From Foraker/Sultana
Yow! What a great ride that was! Kip Garre, Fred Marmsater, Courtney Phillips and I ended up skiing off the tippy-top of Mt. Foraker (aka Sultana) in the Alaska Mountain Range on Monday morning, June 2nd. We prepaid for our four-day window of good weather with two weeks of sitting in the tents in a […]

Sunday Photo – AK Rager
Enduring a raging storm in a remote mountain range can be fun if you are prepared for it. Fun & Games – Ben Ditto and Lorne Glick enjoying the scenery (or lack of it) on the Bagley Icefield. April 2008 After flying around the Wrangell-St.Elias Mountain Range the year before, it seemed like there was […]

Snap, Crackle & Pop – The ABC’s of Avalanches
The physics of an avalanche is as easy to understand as placing one book on top of another, then tipping the lower book up until the top one slides off. Voila – a bookalanche! The grip or amount of friction between the books will determine how easily they slide apart. If they are both dry […]

Sunday Photo – Ben Goes into a Crevasse
Part of the reason I like this photo so much is that it had a happy ending, but it could easily have gone the other way. This incident took place during a 2007 trip up to the Wrangell-St.Elias Mountains with Ben Ditto and Grant Guise. We knew there were crevasses on the glaciers, but once […]
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