
Snowbrains.com Podcast
I’ve had the great pleasure of knowing Mile Clark of Snowbrains.com for many years and on many continents. I think we first met in Antarctica and have since crossed paths in Svalbard and back in the States. At one point we got to share a tiny three bunk cabin in the aft of a sailboat […]

The Chuting Gallery – Available on November 12th
I’ve been running low on copies of “The Chuting Gallery” and sold out of them recently. But have no fear – they are being reprinted as I type and more will be available when I return from Antarctica on November 12th. If you really get desperate, there is currently one for sale on Amazon for $817. […]

Guided Backcountry Skiing in the Wasatch Mountains
Along with the new snow that the Wasatch Mountains are getting, there are now some new guiding operations as well. For years, the Forest Service has limited the number of concessions in the Wasatch, but they have recently opened it up to allow some smaller companies a limited number of skier days. One of these, Red River […]

XGK Stove Tips & Tricks
I like MSR XGK EX Multi-Fuel stoves for the same reason military types prefer certain weapons over others – they can be dragged through the mud, stepped on, abused and still reliably fire. There are lighter, more fuel efficient stoves out there, but the XGK is a proven snow melting blowtorch, especially at higher altitudes. The […]

2015 Winter OR Show Review
While there was an overwhelming amount of new stuff in store for 2015/16 at the Outdoor Retailer Show, I have to admit to having a weakness for hard goods, especially those made out of exotic steels, sexy plastics and carbon fiber. I was not disappointed. Odds and Pointy Ends Black Diamond Snaggletooth Crampon Since most crampons are asymmetrical anyways, […]

Headiing to the Slotterhouse
After two years of dreaming about this area and then another six or so months of putting the actual trip together, we are finally heading out to one of the most beautiful ski venues in the world today. Excitement is very high! Code named “The Slotterhouse” due to the endless number of perfect slot-like couloirs, […]

SkiMo Mishaps and Fond Memories
The 15th Annual Wasatch PowderKeg ski mountaineering race went off last weekend, and as far as I know, nobody got hurt, lost, died, or filed a lawsuit, but that has not always been the case. The early days of ski mountaineering (SkiMo) races in North America were a comedy of errors and I’m thrilled to see that […]

Wasatch Backcountry Conditions – March 9
Although the Wasatch is still draggin’ ass on snow depth, skiing in the upper elevation backcountry areas has been pretty good. Last weekend we had a slight 2-4″ graupel refresher on top of a supportable crust, which made for some fun, fast powder skiing. I’ve seen a few photos of people getting after some of […]

Skintrack Conversational Videos
Hardly a tour goes by without someone referencing a video nowadays. “You haven’t seen the one where the guy runs himself over with a snowmobile? Where he/she smashes into a rock BASE jumping? That avalanche video? Skiing like a Bagger 288?” It makes me wonder what people talked about before YouTube came into our lives. […]
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