Andrew McLean
Andrew McLean lives in Park City, Utah and is a gear designer, writer, photographer, ski mountaineer, climber, Mountain Unicycle rider and father of two very loud little girls.
Andrew McLean's Latest Posts

Heaps, Pine Creek & Mystery Canyons
One of the great things about living in Utah is the proximity to excellent technical slot canyons in Zion National Park. Many of these are considered “wet” canyons, which took on a whole new meaning for me after my first one. In a wet canyon, it can be over 100 degrees in the sun, but […]

Summer bummer. Hate Heat.
Ahhhh! It’s not quite snowing yet, but there is hope as illustrated by these two maple leafs which I found in the neighborhood yesterday. Only, what… another 2-3 months?

“Utah’s Wasatch Range” Book and Party
In the land of contention, aka the Wasatch Mountain Range, it’s a rare and wonderful moment when a positive note is struck for the environment and conservation movement. More often than not, groups like Save Our Canyons are reacting to the latest threat to our beloved mountains, so it’s a cause for celebration when a […]

More SkiLink Humor
I was checking out the LiftUtah website yesterday to see which new developers, realtors, construction companies, linen services, bankers, lawyers and politicians had been recruited to support this “public transportation system” (hahaha…) and got a great laugh out of the website’s background image. Not only do all of the members of Lift Utah hate the […]

FUAC Party Date – Sept 13
Save the date for the party of the year in Salt Lake City – the 19th annual Friends of the Utah Avalanche Center fundraiser at Black Diamond Equipment will be held on Thursday, September 13th. Last year this party attracted over 1,100 people and the proceeds go towards keeping the Utah Avalanche Center up and […]

50 Hold Climbing Wall
Although I vastly prefer real rock in a natural setting, after seeing how my 3 and 4 year-old girls glom onto artificial climbing walls, I decided to build one. There are millions of plans for walls out there, but I wanted to make mine so it could withstand outdoor weather, be semi-portable and, of course, […]

Alex Lowe Photo Gallery
After putting up a photo of Alex Lowe on the previous post and getting lots of comments from mutual friends, I had a pang of nostalgia for Alex and dug up a few more. I first met Alex in 1991 when we both started working at the newly formed Black Diamond Equipment in Ventura, California […]

The Grand Revisited
I hadn’t been back to ski on the Grand Teton for about ten years in part because I was still quaking in fear from my last descent on it, which took place on the Hossack/MacGowan route with Hans Saari. Perhaps “respect” is a better word than fear in this case, as after nine skiing trips […]

An Evening of Politics & Pitons
Next Monday night, June 11th at 6:00pm, Black Diamond will be hosting a get together with Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker and the CEO of BD, Peter Metcalf to thank Representative Jim Matheson for his continued support of the Wasatch mountains and environment. The event takes place in the Black Diamond Atrium, which is […]
SkiLink Circle of Trust
If you have read any of the on-line comments in newspapers or skiing forums regarding SkiLink, you undoubtedly are familiar with the prolific pro SkiStink persona known as “itsnowjoke.” Snowjoke moved to Utah about five years ago and has been on Sagebrush Rebellion bender as an effort to take away public lands and convert them […]
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