Andrew McLean
Andrew McLean lives in Park City, Utah and is a gear designer, writer, photographer, ski mountaineer, climber, Mountain Unicycle rider and father of two very loud little girls.
Andrew McLean's Latest Posts

Chuting Spree Answers – BD Boots
Holt Hancock from Livingston, Montana is the Black Diamond boot winner and is leaning towards a pair of the new Factor boots (just like the pair in Jon Krakauer’s lap in the photo below). Holt said: “I found the boots by doing about an hour and half of research on the Vinson Massif area last […]

Our journey begins after you have been magically transported to the top of the peak identified (hopefully) in Clue #4… Cheese & Rice it’s cold up here! We need to get going. Taking a waypoint with your GPS, you notice that it is 2:00pm and decide to follow the sun as it sets to hopefully gain […]

How to Win Those BD Boots…
Yes indeedy – tomorrow is SUPER CLUESDAY which means the final clue will be given to win a pair (any size, any model) of the new Black Diamond ski boots. I’d like to send a big ol’ shout out to BD and thank them for helping to support by offering up such an excellent […]

Sunday Photo – East Side of the Vinson Massif, Antarctica
This is a photo from a 2000/01 trip to the interior of Antarctica to climb the continent’s high point, the Vinson Massif. Flags over the Flower Hills “landing strip.” Rat-a-tat-tat, hang on to your hat! A big component of this trip (actually, the main component of this trip) was to make a film for NOVA while […]

Bloggus Interuptus
Apologies for being the slacktart over the last few days. We have been fighting off a neighbor who is trying to slip a duplex in next door and I’ve had a bunch of emergency design work to do. I hate it when these things get in the way of skiing related activities. But, winter is […]

Chuting Spree Clue #4 – Black Diamond Ski Boots!
Follow five semi-weekly clues and be the first to correctly identify where the boots are hidden to win a pair (any size, any model) of Black Diamond Ski Boots! Clue #4: On 2 Jan 1998, a well-known American Alpinist teamed up with a legendary French extreme skier to ski the west face of a subpeak […]

Chuting Spree Clue #3 – Black Diamond Ski Boots!
Follow five semi-weekly clues and be the first to correctly identify where the boots are hidden to win a pair (any size, any model) of Black Diamond Ski Boots! Clue #3: This MOUNTAIN RANGE is named after an American pilot who also has the first undisputed sighting of the Geographic North Pole. This American […]

Free Money! Mountain Hardwear Expedition Grant
One of the most common questions I’m asked at slideshows, either directly or implied, is “How much did this trip cost, and how did you pay for it?” This is a fully legitimate question which I’ve often wondered myself while watching other shows. To begin with, I try to go on trips that are relatively […]

High Stakes Snow Anchors
When it comes to dedicated snow anchors, nothing beats the simplicity, strength and versatility of the classic Snow Stake, also known as a Picket, Snow Fluke or Snow Pig. They are the ultimate do-it-yourself piece of climbing equipment involving not much more than a length of angle aluminum, a drill, hacksaw and some beer. Placed […]
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