Andrew McLean
Andrew McLean lives in Park City, Utah and is a gear designer, writer, photographer, ski mountaineer, climber, Mountain Unicycle rider and father of two very loud little girls.
Andrew McLean's Latest Posts

Springtime in Alaska
The weather is fickle. I spoke to Andrew a few nights ago and they were trying to get a handle on the weather. I’ve only been able to get forecasts for Denali and Talkeetna, but there is nothing for Foraker. I guess the weather is always apart of the challenge of an expedition. They need […]

Foraker update
I’ve gotten several “we are OK” emails from the Sultana Team. They have all been from their base camp which makes me think that the weather has been bad and they haven’t been able to start their ascent. A look at the Denali Recreation Forecast talks about high pressure on the East side of the […]

Got a message last Sunday night from a gadget which tells Andrew’s position : The Sultana Ski Team is alive, well and having fun. ESN:0-7477467 Latitude:62.9897 Longitude:-151.2332 Nearest Location:not known Distance:not known Time:05/25/2009 00:26:57 (America/Phoenix),-151.2332&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1 If you go to the map, you can see that he sent it from the base of Mt. Crossen. […]

Expeditions – Food Treats
In the process of perusing Costco, Emergency Essentials, WalMart and Southeast Supermarket, I came across a few little treat that I know Fred, Kip and Courtney will love… Tea specifically for that slack-tart Courtney, who needs all the male vitality he can get: And, for day three in the snow cave… I have no […]

Expeditions – Stove Set-Up
Stoves are the heart of any expedition, as without them, you are not going to be melting snow for drinking water or cooking food – at least not very fast. No food & no water equals no movement. Within the grand stove category, there is really only one that matters, the Mountain Safety Research (MSR) […]

Expeditions – Hanging Scale
If I had to pick one of the most important pieces of pre-expedition equipment I’ve ever bought, without a doubt it would have to be a hanging scale. I use this thing on an almost daily basis for weighing all sorts of items and it goes into overtime when prepping for a trip. For instant weighing, I’ve […]

Expeditions – Wands
Placing wands in the mountains is a bit of an art. On one hand, you only have a limited number of them, so you don’t want to over-place them, and if it is clear and sunny, there is a temptation to skip placing them as the way up and back is obvious. Because of this, I’ve […]

Expeditions – Food Drier
I’ve tried a variety of different foods for expeditions ranging from Himalayan style where you just hire a cook and they take care of it all to dumping hot water in a bag of freeze dried food. My current, and favorite technique is to eat as much “normal” food as possible as I think it is […]

Expeditions – The Proposal
A written proposal acts as the statement-of-intent for an expedition and a formal starting point. I got into writing proposals after filling out a few grant applications, and whether I won the grant or not, I liked the way that it forced me to think way ahead of time in terms of trip logistics, dates, costs, partners […]

The Bridge
A mini video showing the fun and sporty currenty conditions of skiing across the White Pine trailhead bridge on May 8th. Noah Howell leads the way, Courtney Phillips takes the high road. ___________________ Help support and get the best prices on the best gear at! Click the Golden Gear Goat below:
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